Sunday, 18 May 2014


Sunday 11th and an early visit to the flashes despite the rain produced a flurry of avian activity.
On Stilt Island a couple of Avocets were new in, the 4th and 5th this year I've found plus a trio of Dunlin (always a good sign).
At the bund bench now becoming a great place just to sit and view for a while a flyby Hobby was a real bonus. Still more was to come as the Garganey that had been here earlier 6th flew back in from Ashton's direction. I presume it must be the same individual but you never know?

Tuesday 13th and a flock of Ringed Plovers were rummaging around on Neumann's muddy spit whilst 2 Common Terns landed nearby.

BOOM!! a very late sojourn to the flashes and I could not believe my eyes...floating in among the nearest group of Tufted Duck just out from Bund Hide one stonking drake RING-NECKED DUCK..unbelievable!

A patch lifer and a first record for the flashes (I think?), several locals made it before the light set in.
No sign the next day oh dear! what a gripper...

Some piccies by patch digiscoper Dave Bedford

nice one Dave (I've got to carry my scope more often..doh!)

The weekend again and I get there first on the Saturday 17th because someone surely would of picked out the roosting SPOONBILL that's having a wee nap on Stilt Island.

And just for good measure as I'm stood up on the mound viewing the Spooner a Lesser Whitethroat moves through the bushes in front of me,another good year tick in the bag.
Spoony did fly off over Northwich but came back onto Ashton's much to the delight of the gathered throng of local patchers...what a great bird!

Sunday and I'm sat in the garden knocking back a chilled beer when a
RED KITE flies over the tick!
I race over to the mound on Neumann's as Malc has just seen it flyover Scary Park...too late 2 points missed. Still it's a garden and a Marbury CP/Neumann's patch lifer...awesome!...more beer me thinks!

If anybody wants me to take a drugs test after the week I've just had then I'll gladly oblige...phew!!
more of the same this next week please.

#PWC  113 species    134 points (3+3 RND and 2 for Spoony)


Saturday, 10 May 2014


The 6th May and a cracking drake Garganey appears on Neumann's Flash tucked away in the south west corner near the nesting Mute Swans. I'm over in South Yorkshire surveying so it's a long wait till I manage to get to grips with the Garg, that M62 is just one big car park.

What a great bird and it did one over night so phew!
Also added were a couple of Swifts seen zooming high over Ashton's Flash as I strolled back to the layby...sorted evenings patching me thinks!

#PWC  107 species    122 points (2 for Garganey) 


Monday, 5 May 2014


Last day and the Brockholes dude has already uploaded his April scores before the months end...madness!
I on t'other hand play it cool and yes boom! a last day #theflashes first for me in the shape of a rather nice addition to my ever growing flashes list an Egyptian Goose 102. Managed to get a phone piccy through my bins (posted on twitter feed) but its that bad I won't embarrass myself by posting it here.

Into May and an after work Friday bash around Neumann's produced a first for the year in the shape of a very nice Greenshank 103, seen from the view point above the Bund Hide ie the roof (to see over the reedbed).
New in Garden Warblers 104, were giving it some along by the linnet brambles and are beginning to out number the singing Blackcaps me thinks!

Another #theflashes first for myself was a flyover Yellow Wagtail 105, on the 3rd.

A feature of late April early May is the almost guaranteed flocks of migrating Whimbrel that pop up throughout the day on Ashton's usually en route to their Northern breeding grounds and so far we've had flocks of 10, 26, 21, 28 and a few smaller parties coming through.

#PWC  105 species   119 points