The weather has other ideas though and prolonged bouts of blisteringly hot sunshine see the demise of the eastern pool, which has now virtually disappeared by the months end.
The waders did come with Green Sandpipers leading the way. These chaps usually stick to Haydn's Pool but that also is on it's way out and will soon be a forest of vegetation if nothings done. But the flashes will benefit as the waders will move house saving time and shoe leather for us birders.
Some action from Ashton's Flash the place to get Greenies at the mo...
On the 4th of the month bird finder extraordinaire Dave (we have lift-off) Houston found a near summer plum Spotted Redshank on the east pool at Ashton's...nice one Dave, a quality wader that's never annual and never stays for more than a day just like this one.
Neumann's at this time of the year starts to get a build up of gulls, mostly Black-headed Gulls coming from we think the Delamere breeding population. This is a good time to look for...
boom!! Med Gull a second summer late on the evening of the 14th and the only one all month.
Last but not least after I spent a week away from the patch non of the other birders found anything (did they actually go out?) so I was surprised to find the years first Sanderling strutting its stuff on the now very shrunken east pool on Ashton's. Boom again me thinks!
Other waders recorded this month were - Lapwing, Curlew, Redshank, Common Sandpiper, Dunlin, LRP, Oystercatcher, Snipe, Greenshank and Black-tailed Godwit awesome stuff for us wader buffs.
#PWC 119 species 141 points (2 for Med Gull)