Friday, 26 September 2014

Ryder Cup Thursday

Up early to watch the start of the Ryder Cup and the leader board is already rather red (Europe) come on boys!
Out on the flashes and there's a wee wader rummaging around the roosting Lapwing flock on the spit at Neumann's it's a winter plumage Dunlin, always a good sign of possibly something more tasty nearby.
Behind the now perfect wader habitat of Stilt Island the two Black-tailed Godwits from yesterday are still showing well.

A party of 3 Ruff (ad male, ad fem and a juv) have been around now for a week and were just nearby but really difficult to phonescope as they're constantly on the move. Surprised the small juvenile hasn't been claimed as a Buff-breast Sandpiper yet!

Good variety of species on Neumann's and birds moving around all the time due to hunting Sparrowhawks and flyover Peregrines. It usually pays dividends as there can be all sorts stuck in the nooks and crannies between the overgrown reedbeds.

Mound Bay a good place for a roosting rare gull, duck or wader.

Cormarents, Shovelers, Black-headed Gulls and a Lesser black-backed Gull in the Bay...rarity free today.

#PWC 121 species   143 points


Sunday, 14 September 2014


After weeks of dipping other birders birds I finally get a decent wader in the shape of a male Ruff on Neumann's Flash. A long overdue tick for the year list.

Phonescoped from Bund Hide hence the quality (or lack of).

With Ashtons Flash drying up rapidly most birds are now 'flocking' to Neumann's Flash which was buzzing with stuff this Sunday morning.
5 species of gulls, 7 species of duck including now 24 Wigeon, 3 Raven plus that goose sp which appears to be a blue phase Snow Goose.

A very smart goose but most probably a fence hopper even though its unringed and fully winged.
With all this avian activity I was the only birder there again (even on a Sunday), makes you wonder whats passing through when I'm not there to report in. Rain and easterlies to come so fingers crossed for a few Yellow browed Warblers and Rustic Buntings to head our way or is that my way?

#PWC 121 species   143 points


Sunday, 7 September 2014


August came and went and the year list stayed on 119 as at the end of July.
Despite some good birds all found by others..Wood Sandpiper, Spotted Flycatcher (almost a mega at the flashes) and Ruff but unfortunately not connected with by yours truly.
The hoped for muddy edges to the flashes were there in abundance but it seems the waders passed right over or through and I just could not add to the list at the number one month for mud loving birds heading south.
One bird that did show well was the Green Woodpecker which almost took up residence on the bund. I did see the adult bird with one of its offspring on one occasion...

All my records for the flashes are added on to the Birdtrack website after every visit and it makes for some interesting stats....

take August just gone

38 visits produced 1683 records of 84 species (and one plastic)

the species observed on every one of the 38 visits (100%) were... Black-headed Gull, Coot, Grey Heron, Lesser black-backed Gull, Moorhen, Mallard, Feral Pigeon, Starling and Wood Pigeon.
the species observed only once during the month and thus obviously the exciting stuff were... Coal Tit, Common Sandpiper, a dodgy goose id'd as Emperor Goose?, Garden Warbler, Kingfisher, Med Gull, Ringed Plover, Rook and Wigeon. Yes Rook!! all good healthy stuff what!

We'll see what September brings but from now on I think it's going to be an up hill struggle to even break 130 by Xmas...we shall see?

#PWC 119 species  141 points