All I've managed to add to the year list is Kingfisher, which actually is rather a good bird away from it's usual haunts of Budworth Mere and Witton Brook.
A very late one evening after the World Cup footy sortie got me a calling Tawny Owl from the wood by the old hide.
Other than that it's been a waiting game for the return wader passage to start, which has just kicked in this last week of June...Redshank, Snipe!! very early (or breeding), Curlew upto 16 and a big flock of moulting Lapwing 65+ plus a brief visit (well they are on passage) by a lone Common Sandpiper.
Add to this a couple of Green Sandpipers back on nearby Haydn's Pool and things are looking up.
The resident pair of Little Ringed Plover have produced two youngsters, which is quite an achievement given the amount of predation that goes on from the local crows, foxes, mink and various raptors. Well done I say!
Not much else has succeeded breeding wise, the Oystercatchers appear to have lost one of their offspring.
The Great Crested Grebes nest was demolished by the herd of Mute Swans (need culling).
The Redshank disappeared altogether.
The Canadas, Greylags and Mute Swans have all provided the foxes with a take-away each evening so that from almost 20+ young we have 2 cygnets, one Canada gosling and two Greylag goslings left! amazing.
Heaven knows how many poor young Mallards have been gobbled up by the hunting parties of Grey Herons that have now taken over Stilt Island.
We do have some success though...two broods of Tufted Duck one on each flash are currently avoiding most predators. Likewise the two pairs of Little Grebes have both had young on Ashton's and their ability to dive dive dive! when danger approaches must be keeping them alive.
Bring on the passage waders.....
#PWC 115 species 136 points