Wednesday, 31 December 2014


January - 67 species, highlights -  Green-winged Teal a first record for the flashes, Mealy Redpoll 

February - 7 species, 74 year list, 65 for the month, highlights - incredibly early Avocet

March - 10 species, 84 year list, 75 for the month, highlights - Bearded Tit (2) first patch record and most probably find of the year...awesome!! plus an early Wheatear.

April - 18 species, 102 year list, 89 for the month. Without doubt THE best month of the year to be out and about, with new birds passing through almost daily. highlights - Arctic Tern, Egyptian Goose, Great White Egret, Little Egret and Tree Pipit

the other bird that put Ashton's Flash on the map this year was the delightful bouncing Jack Snipe

surprised to find a Pinky on Ashton's

Ashton's first Whimbrel of 2014 and probably first in Cheshire this year

May - 11 species, 113 year list, 87 for the month. highlights - Avocet (several), Garganey, Hobby, Spoonbill and best of all a fabulous drake Ring-necked Duck a first record for the flashes, what a find!

thanks go to Dave Bedford for the ace record shots

June - 3 species, 116 year list, 79 for the month. highlights - Med Gull, Sanderling and Spotted Redshank

July - 3 species, 119 year list, 76 for the month.

August - nothing new added, 84 for the month. A blue phase Snow Goose appeared but at the wrong time of the year.

September - 2 species, 121 year list, 80 for the month. highlights - Ruff

October - 4 species, 125 year list, 71 for the month. highlights - Goosander, Little Stint, Mandarin and Yellow-legged Gull.

November - 2 species, 127 year list, 72 for the month. highlights - Whooper Swan and Willow Tit

December - nothing new added, 60 for the month.

Final total - 127 species for 2014 (a new world record) all the best for 2015

@patchbirding 153 points

see you on the patch #theflashes

Saturday, 1 November 2014


As Autumn starts to turn into Winter the flashes are still producing the odd surprise now and again.
Since the trio of Ruff in September I've added Mandarin Duck...a drake that came via Budworth Mere and a rather nice Yellow-legged Gull in the roost at Mound Bay one evening.
A pair of Goosanders flew right through this week not even stopping for a paddle and unbelievably I still need Goldeneye!! for the year.
Halloween and what we thought at the time (very late in the evening, poor light) to be a Sanderling actually turned out to be the patches first Little Stint of the year...well late!

a 1st winter Little Stint mixing it with the Lapwing and BH Gulls in Mound Bay

And just when we thought that was that in drops a party of 
Whooper Swans !! 4 adults and 2 juveniles...Mr Packham would be jealous.

With the Whoopers there were 16 Greylag Geese, I'll bet fresh from Iceland to?
The flock spent most of the time asleep (flown along way no doubt) and left to the south mid afternoon.
For once its was good to see a few birders down at the flashes and with more eyes who knows what else might be found.
See you at #theflashes

#PWC 126 species   152 points


Friday, 26 September 2014

Ryder Cup Thursday

Up early to watch the start of the Ryder Cup and the leader board is already rather red (Europe) come on boys!
Out on the flashes and there's a wee wader rummaging around the roosting Lapwing flock on the spit at Neumann's it's a winter plumage Dunlin, always a good sign of possibly something more tasty nearby.
Behind the now perfect wader habitat of Stilt Island the two Black-tailed Godwits from yesterday are still showing well.

A party of 3 Ruff (ad male, ad fem and a juv) have been around now for a week and were just nearby but really difficult to phonescope as they're constantly on the move. Surprised the small juvenile hasn't been claimed as a Buff-breast Sandpiper yet!

Good variety of species on Neumann's and birds moving around all the time due to hunting Sparrowhawks and flyover Peregrines. It usually pays dividends as there can be all sorts stuck in the nooks and crannies between the overgrown reedbeds.

Mound Bay a good place for a roosting rare gull, duck or wader.

Cormarents, Shovelers, Black-headed Gulls and a Lesser black-backed Gull in the Bay...rarity free today.

#PWC 121 species   143 points


Sunday, 14 September 2014


After weeks of dipping other birders birds I finally get a decent wader in the shape of a male Ruff on Neumann's Flash. A long overdue tick for the year list.

Phonescoped from Bund Hide hence the quality (or lack of).

With Ashtons Flash drying up rapidly most birds are now 'flocking' to Neumann's Flash which was buzzing with stuff this Sunday morning.
5 species of gulls, 7 species of duck including now 24 Wigeon, 3 Raven plus that goose sp which appears to be a blue phase Snow Goose.

A very smart goose but most probably a fence hopper even though its unringed and fully winged.
With all this avian activity I was the only birder there again (even on a Sunday), makes you wonder whats passing through when I'm not there to report in. Rain and easterlies to come so fingers crossed for a few Yellow browed Warblers and Rustic Buntings to head our way or is that my way?

#PWC 121 species   143 points


Sunday, 7 September 2014


August came and went and the year list stayed on 119 as at the end of July.
Despite some good birds all found by others..Wood Sandpiper, Spotted Flycatcher (almost a mega at the flashes) and Ruff but unfortunately not connected with by yours truly.
The hoped for muddy edges to the flashes were there in abundance but it seems the waders passed right over or through and I just could not add to the list at the number one month for mud loving birds heading south.
One bird that did show well was the Green Woodpecker which almost took up residence on the bund. I did see the adult bird with one of its offspring on one occasion...

All my records for the flashes are added on to the Birdtrack website after every visit and it makes for some interesting stats....

take August just gone

38 visits produced 1683 records of 84 species (and one plastic)

the species observed on every one of the 38 visits (100%) were... Black-headed Gull, Coot, Grey Heron, Lesser black-backed Gull, Moorhen, Mallard, Feral Pigeon, Starling and Wood Pigeon.
the species observed only once during the month and thus obviously the exciting stuff were... Coal Tit, Common Sandpiper, a dodgy goose id'd as Emperor Goose?, Garden Warbler, Kingfisher, Med Gull, Ringed Plover, Rook and Wigeon. Yes Rook!! all good healthy stuff what!

We'll see what September brings but from now on I think it's going to be an up hill struggle to even break 130 by Xmas...we shall see?

#PWC 119 species  141 points


Thursday, 31 July 2014


July the month for return wader passage and Ashton's Flash is looking in tremendous nick, ready to accept that mud loving mega!
The weather has other ideas though and prolonged bouts of blisteringly hot sunshine see the demise of the eastern pool, which has now virtually disappeared by the months end.

The waders did come with Green Sandpipers leading the way. These chaps usually stick to Haydn's Pool but that also is on it's way out and will soon be a forest of vegetation if nothings done. But the flashes will benefit as the waders will move house saving time and shoe leather for us birders.

Some action from Ashton's Flash the place to get Greenies at the mo...

On the 4th of the month bird finder extraordinaire Dave (we have lift-off) Houston found a near summer plum Spotted Redshank on the east pool at Ashton's...nice one Dave, a quality wader that's never annual and never stays for more than a day just like this one.

Neumann's at this time of the year starts to get a build up of gulls, mostly Black-headed Gulls coming from we think the Delamere breeding population. This is a good time to look for...

boom!! Med Gull a second summer late on the evening of the 14th and the only one all month.

Last but not least after I spent a week away from the patch non of the other birders found anything (did they actually go out?) so I was surprised to find the years first Sanderling strutting its stuff on the now very shrunken east pool on Ashton's. Boom again me thinks!

Other waders recorded this month were - Lapwing, Curlew, Redshank, Common Sandpiper, Dunlin, LRP, Oystercatcher, Snipe, Greenshank and Black-tailed Godwit awesome stuff for us wader buffs.

#PWC   119 species   141 points (2 for Med Gull)


Sunday, 29 June 2014


Since the mega week when I found Ring necked Duck and Spoonbill there has been quite a lull in the bird activity at the flashes despite constant effort from myself and several regulars.
All I've managed to add to the year list is Kingfisher, which actually is rather a good bird away from it's usual haunts of Budworth Mere and Witton Brook.
A very late one evening after the World Cup footy sortie got me a calling Tawny Owl from the wood by the old hide.
Other than that it's been a waiting game for the return wader passage to start, which has just kicked in this last week of June...Redshank, Snipe!! very early (or breeding), Curlew upto 16 and a big flock of moulting Lapwing 65+ plus a brief visit (well they are on passage) by a lone Common Sandpiper.
Add to this a couple of Green Sandpipers back on nearby Haydn's Pool and things are looking up.

The resident pair of Little Ringed Plover have produced two youngsters, which is quite an achievement given the amount of predation that goes on from the local crows, foxes, mink and various raptors. Well done I say!

Not much else has succeeded breeding wise, the Oystercatchers appear to have lost one of their offspring.
The Great Crested Grebes nest was demolished by the herd of Mute Swans (need culling).
The Redshank disappeared altogether.
The Canadas, Greylags and Mute Swans have all provided the foxes with a take-away each evening so that from almost 20+ young we have 2 cygnets, one Canada gosling and two Greylag goslings left! amazing.
Heaven knows how many poor young Mallards have been gobbled up by the hunting parties of Grey Herons that have now taken over Stilt Island.

We do have some success though...two broods of Tufted Duck one on each flash are currently avoiding most predators. Likewise the two pairs of Little Grebes have both had young on Ashton's and their ability to dive dive dive! when danger approaches must be keeping them alive.

Bring on the passage waders.....

#PWC  115 species    136 points


Photo issues

As you will see some of the blog photos have a no entry sign on...this means the photo is not accessible apparently. Try as I might with Blogger, Google etc I just can't suss out how to get them back...rats!!
another blog that's been shafted by technology and jargon...sometimes I wonder why I bloody well bother at all.
Google you suck!!!!!

Sunday, 18 May 2014


Sunday 11th and an early visit to the flashes despite the rain produced a flurry of avian activity.
On Stilt Island a couple of Avocets were new in, the 4th and 5th this year I've found plus a trio of Dunlin (always a good sign).
At the bund bench now becoming a great place just to sit and view for a while a flyby Hobby was a real bonus. Still more was to come as the Garganey that had been here earlier 6th flew back in from Ashton's direction. I presume it must be the same individual but you never know?

Tuesday 13th and a flock of Ringed Plovers were rummaging around on Neumann's muddy spit whilst 2 Common Terns landed nearby.

BOOM!! a very late sojourn to the flashes and I could not believe my eyes...floating in among the nearest group of Tufted Duck just out from Bund Hide one stonking drake RING-NECKED DUCK..unbelievable!

A patch lifer and a first record for the flashes (I think?), several locals made it before the light set in.
No sign the next day oh dear! what a gripper...

Some piccies by patch digiscoper Dave Bedford

nice one Dave (I've got to carry my scope more often..doh!)

The weekend again and I get there first on the Saturday 17th because someone surely would of picked out the roosting SPOONBILL that's having a wee nap on Stilt Island.

And just for good measure as I'm stood up on the mound viewing the Spooner a Lesser Whitethroat moves through the bushes in front of me,another good year tick in the bag.
Spoony did fly off over Northwich but came back onto Ashton's much to the delight of the gathered throng of local patchers...what a great bird!

Sunday and I'm sat in the garden knocking back a chilled beer when a
RED KITE flies over the tick!
I race over to the mound on Neumann's as Malc has just seen it flyover Scary Park...too late 2 points missed. Still it's a garden and a Marbury CP/Neumann's patch lifer...awesome!...more beer me thinks!

If anybody wants me to take a drugs test after the week I've just had then I'll gladly oblige...phew!!
more of the same this next week please.

#PWC  113 species    134 points (3+3 RND and 2 for Spoony)


Saturday, 10 May 2014


The 6th May and a cracking drake Garganey appears on Neumann's Flash tucked away in the south west corner near the nesting Mute Swans. I'm over in South Yorkshire surveying so it's a long wait till I manage to get to grips with the Garg, that M62 is just one big car park.

What a great bird and it did one over night so phew!
Also added were a couple of Swifts seen zooming high over Ashton's Flash as I strolled back to the layby...sorted evenings patching me thinks!

#PWC  107 species    122 points (2 for Garganey) 


Monday, 5 May 2014


Last day and the Brockholes dude has already uploaded his April scores before the months end...madness!
I on t'other hand play it cool and yes boom! a last day #theflashes first for me in the shape of a rather nice addition to my ever growing flashes list an Egyptian Goose 102. Managed to get a phone piccy through my bins (posted on twitter feed) but its that bad I won't embarrass myself by posting it here.

Into May and an after work Friday bash around Neumann's produced a first for the year in the shape of a very nice Greenshank 103, seen from the view point above the Bund Hide ie the roof (to see over the reedbed).
New in Garden Warblers 104, were giving it some along by the linnet brambles and are beginning to out number the singing Blackcaps me thinks!

Another #theflashes first for myself was a flyover Yellow Wagtail 105, on the 3rd.

A feature of late April early May is the almost guaranteed flocks of migrating Whimbrel that pop up throughout the day on Ashton's usually en route to their Northern breeding grounds and so far we've had flocks of 10, 26, 21, 28 and a few smaller parties coming through.

#PWC  105 species   119 points


Sunday, 27 April 2014


Bank Holiday produced a cracker of a find, not by me unfortunately but Groucho Payne who heard then saw a TREE PIPIT fly-in and perch up near the Witton Brook vp. A couple of other patchers were able to get onto it before it flew down towards Witton Brook.
I was just leaving Old Hide so legged it over to be greeted by three smug faces...rats bottom!
Tape in hand I ventured off #PWC patch (what!!) and whapped out the call of Tripit...zap in it flew to a tree by the car park. I legged it a second time back onto #PWC patch and repeated the call...zap in it flew again right above me calling like a goodan. OML what a prize and the first ever I've seen/heard not flying over. A measly one point ( #PWC rules) for such a patch crippler just not fair. Also in a couple of Sedge Warblers on Ashton's flash below the vp.

Mid week and a Common Sandpiper on Neumann's flash was most welcome.

Saturday and its weekend again, patchers out in force and I'm lounging in bed chimping away on my mobile. I get two calls about a Tern sp. on Ashton's, surely it's an Arctic Tern and yes it is with possibly two before they depart rapidly in the improving weather. Just timed it right whap! 100 up for the year and it's not yet May!

More avian delight was to come as I'm chatting to the boss (of Avian Ecology no less) in Bund Hide, Fred locates a flying over Little Egret...get in what a bonus. Two egrets in the same year (Little and Large).

Rain from the east but not much else to show for it with no new passerines in...where's the groppers and whinchats?

no patch gold at the end of this rainbow from Old Hide

#PWC  101 species   115 points (2 each for Arctic Tern and Little Egret)


Sunday, 20 April 2014


In the words of the great man himself Fluff Freeman...''well pop pickers, down to number 9 goes Podster550'' and so it comes to pass as new players come into the top ten down goes moi.

#PWC2014 March Inland North League Table

Understandably though and I'm clutching at straws here, March is a pretty naff month for birds with hardly anything of note added to the list except of course the pair of
Bearded Tits on the 1st. A new patch bird and all I get is a lousy 2 points, still we're in April now and things are going smoothly..Great White Egret for a start.
Padders so far after the lone Whimbrel have been in order of appearence:-
Dunlin a fly through flock of 5
Barn Swallow
House Martin
Little Ringed Plover

Common Whitethroat
Reed Warbler
but without doubt the highlight of the week has been the very showy (at times) Jack Snipe that I found on Ashton's Flash last Thursday 17th. As I write this Sunday night the bouncer is still doing his thing just out from the bench on the bund. There was even a crowd there this afternoon 7 birders no less.

But and there's always a but!! Saturday was a proverbial nightmare...having decided to have a leisurely mornings breakfast before patching I missed 2 flyover Goosanders and worse still a patch lifer...RED KITE!!! found by part time patcher Fred. What a blow but that's patching I suppose. Just shows what's passing through when we get some decent coverage (and decent birders) on patch.
Fingers crossed at the mo as Arctic Terns seem to be on the move and there's over night rain with constant easterlies....bring it on...

#PWC  96 species    108 points


Thursday, 10 April 2014


For once right place right time and my first scan with the bins over Ashton's Flash produces a rather stonking big white job...GREAT WHITE EGRET!!! wow what a MEGA!! patch birding at it's best.
What a great (excuse the pun) addition to the #PWC year list. 6 big fat points (3 for the bird and 3 for finding it) take that Brockholes!

Phone-scoped 'record' shots of Granville II my 2nd for the Marbury Patch area after the legendary Granville of  07/01/2002.

Next day and no big white jobbies but the first Whimbrel of the year found skulking in the undergrowth around Ashton's puddle. Also there 2 Redshank and a Snipe. Over on Neumann's the pair of Pintail were back. Things beginning to hot up and Ashton's Flash sure looking like THE place to be watching at the mo especially with the bloody maggot danglers who now seem to live on Kid Brook spit over on Budworth Mere flushing everything in sight. Roll on....

#PWC  90 species   102 points (6 GWE + 2 Whimbrel)