Tuesday, 8 April 2014


Just before March ended there was one last flurry of activity with a splendid flock of 10 Black-tailed Godwits gracing Neumann's Flash in the channel by Stilt Island.

Also in the photo two of the three Wigeon that were still present. We're down to one lone drake now.

So in comes April but nothing is foolish enough to show on the 1st and it's the weekend that starts to bring in a few of the summer migrants. South Easterly winds with rain over night and bang...Willow Warblers are suddenly in, with 3 (one bund, 2 Witton car park). Also new in a Blackcap was in song by the Linnet roost brambles. The first Skylark for the flashes year list flew over Ashton's on the 6th and a group of Rooks were scope-able from the Bund.
That's it for now. The Osprey over Budworth Mere at the weekend never made it to the flashes and the reported Bittern??? seen to land in the sw corner of Neumann's on the 8th never showed.

spit action...Shelducks, Teal, Coot, Lapwing.. more trimming me thinks required in front of the Old Hide.

I've done quite a bit but if anyone out there's got a petrol strimmer I'd love to borrow it.
The reedbed in front of Scrapyard certainly needs a short back and sides.

The Grey Heron that can regularly be seen at the foot of the waterfall in Butterfinch valley.

The birds that usually nest on North Island have had no luck so far as the water level has risen once again. 
The Oycs, Canada Geese and Lapwing have all attempted to start nesting but to no avail. Its gonna be a bit crowded when we do get a dry spell.

#PWC  88 species   94 points