Wednesday, 8 January 2014


A fortuitous visit to the doctors paid off big time when on leaving I switched my phone back on and was greeted by a text from Dave Hughston..
''probable Green-winged Teal on Neumann's''!!

Driving as sedately as I could through the new one way system (why does every idiot want to cross over lanes on the swing bridge) in Northwich, I arrived at Bund Hide moments later and yes the 'probable' was a definite...Green-winged Teal..boom!!

Well done to Dave H and Mark Taylor another patch mega bites the dust. 
Unfortunately the drake Greeny was miles away at the reed edge past the island hence no photos but still what a great find and a first record for the patch. Should god willing stay for a while so most of the local patchers should catch up with it and hopefully get some photos.
Whilst walking back to the car a Golden Plover flew over calling with the local Lapwing flock so an added year tick bonus.
As you will see from the running total of species seen, my Woodcock search came up trumps, next up Willow Tit?

#PWC  58 species   62 points (GW Teal 3 points)

Patch Life List - 201