Sunday, 5 January 2014


Saturday finds me and pooch doing a full 360' of the figure of eight (footpath layout) it's a two hour birdathon as I've brought with me some scope.
This proves a great move as the local pair or Peregrines are both perched up on their favorite lookouts...

phone scoped record shots

Not to be out done the patch Ravens are also up there, scanning their territory...

There's a good selection of avian delights around this morning and I manage to accumulate 42 species.
Lesser Redpolls in with the Long-tailed Tit flock for a start and a flyover Siskin are goodies. 3 Great Spots are roaming the various clumps of woodland , finding a Lesser here though is going to be a challenge but we shall see as the year progresses.

A duo of Woody Woodpeckers

Wildfowl are in good numbers once again and will hopefully pull something in once the weather turns a bit colder. Counts on Neumann's and Ashton's combined produced...
Mute Swan 5
Mallard 45+
Teal      350+
Gadwall a pair
Wigeon  2
Shoveler  23+
Shelduck  9
Tufted Duck  10
Coot  (wildfowl?) 40+
5 species of gull as well.
All my records are entered into Birdtrack the BTO recording scheme and I urge one and all to do the same.
Back out again tomorrow in search of the elusive Woodcock, if it's not raining that is.

#PWC  51 species  53 points (Peregrine 2)